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List of Publications


Munoz-Saez, C., Gong J., Perez-Fodich, A, Van Zuilen, M. Environmental and hydrogeochemical controls of spicular geyserite in opaline hot spring deposits. Earth and Space Science.


Winslow, H., Ruprecht, P., Gonnermann, H., Phelps, P., Muñoz-Saez, C., Delgado, F., Pritchard, M. and Amigo, A., 2022. Insights for crystal mush storage utilizing mafic enclaves from the 2011-12 Cordón Caulle eruption. Scientific Reports. 


Gong, J., Munoz-Saez, C., Wilmeth, D.T., Myers, K.D., Homann, M., Arp, G., Skok, J.R. and van Zuilen, M.A., 2022. Morphogenesis of digitate structures in hot spring silica sinters of the El Tatio geothermal field, Chile. Geobiology, 20(1), pp.137-155.


Hurwitz, S., Manga, M., Campbell, K.A., Muñoz-Saez, C. and Eibl, E.P., 2021. Why study geysers?. Eos, American Geophysical Union, 102.


Montecinos-Cuadros, D., Díaz, D., Yogeshwar, P. and Munoz-Saez, C., 2021. Characterization of the shallow structure of El Tatio geothermal field in the Central Andes, Chile using transient electromagnetics. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 412, p.107198. 


Reed, M.H., C. Munoz-Saez, S. Hajimirza, S.-M. Wu, A. Barth, T. Girona, M. Rasht-Behesht, E.B. white, M.S. Karplus, S. Hurwitz and M. Manga (2021). The 2018 reawakening of Steamboat, Yellowstone National Park, the world’s tallest geyser, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 118, e2020943118.


Munoz-Saez, C., Perez-Nunez, C., Martini, S., Vargas-Barrera, A., Reich, M., Morata, D., and Manga, M., 2020. The Alpehue geyser field, Sollipulli Volcano, Chile. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.


Wilmeth, D., Nabhan, S., Myers K., Slagter S., Lalonde, S., Sansjofre, P., Homann, M., Konhauser, K., Munoz-Saez, C., Van Zuilen, M. 2020. Depositional evolution of an extinct sinter mound from source to outflow, El Tatio, Chile. Sedimentary Geology


Munoz-Saez, C., Manga, M., Hurwitz, S., Slagter, S., Churchill, D.M., Reich, M., Damby, D. and Morata, D., 2020. Radiocarbon dating of silica sinter and postglacial hydrothermal activity in the El Tatio geyser field. Geophysical Research Letters, p.e 2020GL087908.


Gong, J., Myers, K., Munoz-Saez, C., Homann, M., Wirth, R., Schreiber, A., Van Zuilen, M., 2020. Formation and Preservation of Microbial Palisade Fabric in Silica Deposits from El Tatio, Chile. Astrobiology. DOI: 10.1089/ast.2019.2025


Slagter, S., Reich, M., Munoz-Saez, C., Southon, J., Morata, D., Barra, F., Gong, J., Skok, J. R., 2019. Environmental controls on silica sinter formation revealed by radiocarbon dating. Geology, 47(4), 330-334.


Ardid, A., Vera, E., Kelly, C., Manga, M., Munoz-Saez, C., Maksymowicz, A., Ortega-Culaciati, F., 2019. Geometry of geyser plumbing inferred from ground deformation. Journal of Geophysical Research.


Munoz-Saez, C., Manga, M. and Hurwitz, S., 2018. Hydrothermal discharge from the El Tatio basin, Atacama, Chile. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 361, pp.25-35.


Namiki, A., Ueno, Y., Hurwitz, S., Manga, M., Munoz-Saez, C., and Murphy, F., 2016. An experimental study of the role of subsurface plumbing on geothermal discharge. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. doi:10.1002/2016GC006472


Munoz-Saez, C., Saltiel, S., Manga, M., Nguyen, C. and Gonnermann, H., 2016. Physical and hydraulic properties of modern sinter deposits: El Tatio, Atacama. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 325, pp.156-168.


Munoz-Saez, C., A. Namiki, and M. Manga, 2015. Geyser eruption intervals and interactions: examples from El Tatio, Atacama, Chile, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 120, doi: 10.1002/2015JB012364


Munoz-Saez, C., Manga, M., Hurwitz, S., Rudolph, M., Namiki, A., Wang, C., 2015. Dynamics within geyser conduits, and sensitivity to environmental perturbations: Insights from a periodic geyser in the El Tatio geyser field, Atacama Desert, Chile. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.01.002.


Namiki, A., Munoz-Saez, C., Manga, M., 2014. El Cobreloa: A geyser with two distinct eruption styles. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JB11009.

Adelstein, E., Tran A., Muñoz-Saez, C., Shteinberg, A., Manga, M., 2014. Geyser preplay and eruption in a laboratory model with a bubble trap. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 285, 129-135.


Muñoz-Saez C, Pinto L, Charrier R, Nalpas T, 2014. Influence of depositional load on the development of a shortcut fault system during the inversion of an extensional basin: The Eocene-Oligocene Abanico Basin case, central Chile Andes (33°-35°S). Andean Geology, Vol 41, No 1. 


Pinto L., Muñoz C., Nalpas T., Charrier R., 2010. Role of sedimentation during basin inversion in analogue modeling. Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 32, Issue 4, pp. 554–565.


Olivier Ph., Gleizes G., Paquette J.L., Muñoz C., 2008. Structure and U-Pb dating of the Saint-Arnac pluton and the Ansignan charnockite (Agly massif): a cross section from the upper to the middle crust of the Variscan Eastern Pyrenees. Journal of Geological Society, London; vol. 165; pp. 141-152.




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