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  • 2016   Ph.D., Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA               

                    Dynamics of geyser systems, El Tatio, Atacama, Chile (Advisor: Prof. Michael Manga)

  • 2007  M.S., Geology, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile                                                                                        Analog models of sedimentation effects in tectonic inversion: Applications over Cenozoic formations Abanico and Farellones                 (33°-36°S), Central Chile” (Advisor: Prof. Luisa Pinto).

  • 2005   Geology, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile                                                                                  


Postdoctoral Experience

  •  2020 –  2021    LDEO, Columbia University                                                            

  •  2020 –  2021    City College of New York (CUNY)                                                                                                   

  •  2017  –  2020​   CEGA Institute, University of Chile     


Industry Experience

  • 2009 –2010    Punta del Cobre Mining Company, Chile                                                                                                                        Project Geologist: Field exploration, mapping and drilling of ore deposits

  • 2008 –2009    GEOVECTRA Mining Consultants, Chile                                                                                                                        Project Geologist: Field exploration, mapping and drilling of ore deposits

  • 2005 – 2007    Fundación Chile - BGR Germany, Geothermal project                                                                                                     Project geologist: Geothermal exploration and energy efficiency



  • 2022 – 2025  USGS Critical Metals Earth MRI Mapping Program:  3-year Grant                       

                                         Detail mapping, geochemical and mineralogical characterization of lithium mineralization at Thacker Pass area,                                                   McDermitt Caldera, Northern Nevada 

  • 2022 – 2024  Bureau of Land Management: 2-year Research Grant                                          

                                          Characterization and monitoring in thermal areas in Black Rock Desert- High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails NCA.

  •  2022 – 2025 National Science Foundation: 3-year Research Grant                                           

                                           Collaborative Research: EAR-Climate: Linkages Between Glacio-climatic, Hydrothermal, and Volcanic Processes in                                            the Central Andes.

  • 2020 – 2021    Climate Center, LDEO, Columbia University: 1-year Research Grant                                                      ​                           Glacial-deglacial climatic changes and impacts on hydrothermal activity in the Andes

  • 2020 – 2021     America Association for University Woman: 1- year Postdoctoral Fellowship 

  • 2020 – 2024    Conicyt - Chile: 4-year Research Grant                                                                                                                         The optimal geologic conditions that form high enthalpy, metal- rich volcanic-hydrothermal systems in the                                                Andes: Thermodynamic and mechanical numerical approach. Puyehue-Cordon Caulle and Sollipulli Volcanoes.

  • 2017 – 2020     Conicyt – Chile:  3-year Postdoctoral Fellowship                                                                                                        Study of geysers dynamics, underground geometry, and sinter deposits: El Tatio geothermal field, Atacama Desert.

  • 2014 – 2015      Center for Latin American Studies, UC Berkeley: 1-year Research Grant                                          

  • 2010 – 2014      Fulbright: 4-years Ph.D. Fellowship                                                                                                      

  • 2004                  University Paul Sabatier, France: 6-months Undergraduate Fellowship                                                               


  • 2023  Early Geological Career Award Geological Society of America

​                    Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology and Volcanology                         

  • 2016   Louderback PhD Thesis Award, UC Berkeley                                                                                                     

  • 2007  Highest Distinction Graduation Award, University of Chile.                                                                                  ​     

Invited Talks

  • University of Nevada Reno, Department Seminar                                                                                                    

  • American Natural History Museum (AMNH), EPS Seminar                                                                                       

  • Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP), Silica workshop                                                                             

  •  LDEO, Columbia University, MGG/SGT Seminar                                                                                                       

  • Cornell University, Department Seminar                                                                                                                    

  • Sonoma State University, Department Seminar                                                                                                         

  • University of California Los Angeles, Department Seminar                                                                                      

  • Colegio de Geólogos de Chile, Seminar                                                                                                                    


Teaching experience

  • 2022/2023           University of Nevada Reno: Instructor                                                                                                

    • GEOL 407/607, Energy and Natural Resources. 

    • GEOL 701O, Geothermal Exploration

  • 2012, 2013, 2015  University of California, Berkeley: Graduate Student Instructor                                                        

    • EPS 50, The Planet Earth: Course covered major subjects in geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, geomorphology, natural hazards, and earth resources. Leading weekly three hours of lab section for 20 undergraduate students, office hours, fieldwork and grading.

  • 2003-2006           University of Chile: Graduate Student Instructor                                                                                

    • Andean Structural Geology:  Course covered most tectonic events occurred in the west margin of the Chilean and South American Andes, including the development and migration of the volcanic arc from the beginning of the subduction in the Jurassic to the present time.

    • Sedimentology and stratigraphy: Course covered most of sedimentary rock, structures, and environments. Field component included mapping, stratigraphic measurements, geological cross sections, stratigraphic column and correlations.

    • General Geology: Course covered major subjects in geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, geomorphology, and earth resources.

    • Mineralogy: Course covered major groups of silicate minerals forming rocks, including the study of the chemistry, microscopy, and optical properties.

    • Paleontology: Course covered most of invertebrates and marine fossil record discovered in the Chilean Andes, environments, morphology, speciation and evolution.

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